svjour3.cls | The document class file for Springer journals |
svglov3.clo | The global class option file |
svepjc3.clo | EPJC journal class option |
LCrev.sty | If you find some macros missing, please add them to LCrev.sty or add the corresponding style file. Don't put them in the individual tex files. |
The tex files should be self-explanitory:
The appendix is one tex file where you can add the appendix material for your main chapter.
There are further support files:
spphys.bst APS-like bibliography formatting style for
physics. This formats the entries in the bib file
according to accepted physics journal practice.
Using SVN to access the files.
SVN works by creating local copies (working files) of the master files (the repository).
You need to create once a working copy of the directory. This is done as follows:
FIRST time usage of the SVN repository for the EPJC review:
i) Decide where you want the working directory to be, and go there.
Eg, if you want it to hang off your top level directory:
ii) Checkout the repository for the first time:
If you are registered with a DESY account:
svn checkout
If you are registered with an e-mail address:
svn checkout
This will create a directory EPJC-Review/ with the subdirectories /tags and /trunk.
The development has to be done in /trunk.
cd EPJC-Review/trunk
Edit away!
iii) see step (2) of the normal working procedure
The steps (i) and (ii) have to be done ONLY once when you create the working space on your computer.
The NORMAL working procedure:
1) Start with an update of the work:
cd EPJC-Review/trunk
svn status -u (shows the current status)
svn update
This will merge any modifications checked in by someone else to your versions.
Edit away!
2) When you want your newly edited files to be checked in, so that others can see them, then do
svn commit -m 'comment on your changes'
You can optionally choose to commit the full directory or just a single file.
svn commit [file or directory] -m 'comment on your changes'
SVN will put you into the editor (default vi) to add a comment line describing your changes.
!! Checkin without a comment will fail !!
For new files and directories use the add command:
svn add [file or directory]
3) You may discover that a file that you have edited has been modified by someone else.
One obvious case could be the bib file. If that happens then do:
svn update
If there are no conflicts (eg, no one has updated the same bib entry) then all should be OK, and you
can then redo step 2. If there are conflicts, SVN will mark the conflicting sections of the file(s) in an
obvious manner. You will then have to resolve the conflict, and then redo step 2.
Please, don't write into the /tags/ directory. It is used to collect preliminary versions as 'status report'.
Further details about the DESY SVN installation can be found on